Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Don't go to the Doctor in Ghana

This morning I woke up and half my sock was off and my foot itched.  My immediate thought was, "damn, a mosquito bit my foot!"  But upon closer inspection it didn't so much look like a mosquito bite.  I sprayed some antiseptic on it and went for a run (I was hoping the run might break it up a bit).  Well, that didn't really do much.  So when I went to class, I mentioned it to the program director who told me she would take me to the clinic after class.

Cut to some little shack with like old-school supplies circa some horror movie set in the 1930's.  Not. Cool.
So the nurse pulls out a thermometer which I knew I wasn't about to put in my mouth (she put it under my arm) and then she sends me in to see the doctor.

The doctor asked me what happened.  I tried to explain but I think he was a little hard of hearing.  Eventually we narrowed it down that I got stung.  The conversation went a little something like this...

Doctor: Something stung you?
Me: I think, kinda looks like it...
Doctor: What was it?
Me: Dunno...
Doctor: Were you walking in the grass?
Me: Um, no...
Doctor: What time did it happen?
Me: I noticed it this morning at like 7am
Doctor: Hmmm, so it happened before 7am...
Me: (Trying not to laugh and thinking to myself, "What is this, Nancy Drew?")
Doctor: Is it very painful
Me: Not really
Doctor: Well I don't think it was a scorpion then...
Doctor: I think we should give you a tetanus shot
Me: NOT HAPPENING... (Was pretty much ready to bolt at this point)

He then proceeds to point to every part of my foot (except the bite) asking, "is this it? is this it?"
I'm like dude, its right here.  The big red spot.  And he then tells me, "oh, sorry. I can't see very well."

Lol. It was awesome.

On another note, the power went out twice yesterday.  Between that and the above, I think I've realized I'm really in Africa ;)

Taxi Drivers in Ghana are Awesome

So yesterday I went to the mall to buy a SIM card and get some groceries (they have a grocery store there). On the bright side I got some Digestives and Bitter Lemon ... YUMMY.  On the not so bright side, I lost my iPhone in the taxi on the way home.
Fortunately, God was smiling on me because we called and called and finally the taxi driver answered and I got my phone back today :) The cab driver's name was Michael and he was very nice and returned it to me safe and sound.  I was super happy!!
Tonight we took another cab and I told my friend to ask me on the way out if I had my phone.  She did.  And then she forgot her bottles of beer in the taxi...
The driver brought it back. ;)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

So, it looks like I'm really doing this (Maybe...)

Well, I was supposed to be in Accra by now, but it looks like Delta had other plans for me.  My connecting flight was delayed a bunch yesterday so they ended up rebooking me and now I leave tonight going through Amsterdam.  On the upside, I got to spend one more day at home and I had a good time :)

For the past week or so I got to meet up with lots of my peeps (turns out everyone wants to see you when you're leaving the country) and fun times were had by all.  I will miss everybody!! But a very tan version of myself will see you all in a couple of months.

I will update y'all when I arrive and post some pix as soon as I get a good chance.  Wish me luck and pray that the big, scary bugs I've been hearing about take it easy on me.

Luv ya!