Monday, July 4, 2011

And So... The Good, the Bad, and the Ghana

So, if you're wondering why I haven't blogged since the first week I got here, basically it was because I was on a Ghana boycott.  At one point, I pretty much hated the place and wanted to come home.  As of now, Ghana and I have made amends.  So I've decided to share some of my experiences with you. And I promise to update more regularly from now on ;)

The first weekend my friend got sick.  Our classmates went on a trip to Kakum and Cape Coast but she and I stayed behind.  By Sunday she was feeling better and we decided to go to Makola Market which is supposed to be some big, open-air market in the city.  Little did we know, it was not quite what we were expecting.  Picture some cab driver in New York taking you to the worst neighborhood he knows of and dropping you off leaving you with nothing more than a smile and a wave goodbye.  This was our predicament.. haha.  While there, we tried to buy some fabric.. that didn't go too well.  Then while walking around we noticed someone selling raw meat, on the street.. in plastic bags.. no refrigeration.. in 85 degree weather.. yummy.  By this time we were ready to go.   As we walked to try and get a taxi, some guy grabbed my arm.. When we asked our Ghanaian classmate about this later on he replied, "yea, that's normal."  And so... No more Makola Market for us.

Another day, a taxi driver got mad when my friend didn't give him as much money as he wanted, and he grabbed her arm.  And so... It turns out that all taxi drivers are not equally as awesome as the one who returned my phone.

Beyond that, I think there was just a general cultural barrier.  For those of you who know me, you know I'm pretty worldly.  After all, as far as my dating life is concerned, I've pretty much covered all the continents ;) But even for me, Ghana was a bit much at times. And so... you know its a lot.

Everything takes forever.  Now again, if you know me... I take forever.. and I'm always late.  But no... I don't have sh*t on Ghana time.  If you want something done now, well, that's likely never going to happen.  If you have a meeting, class, somewhere to be... you will always be late and so will everyone else.  And so... Try not to let this bother you (but it will). 

You will get stared at.  Commented on.  Hoots and hollers.  And so.. you are in Ghana.  (I will share the best one though... I was walking with a friend of mine and this guy goes... Hey! Beautiful black and white! You look like a piano.  I love the combination.  --haha.. have to give him points for effort).

Oh, and did I mention the mosquitoes here love me? Love. Me. Just as the 30 mosquito bites on my legs were beginning to clear up, I sat by the pool and lets just say, I ended up looking like someone who they send off to some island somewhere for quarantine.  I have bites the size of quarters all over. And they itch.  And so... apparently I should have brought more pants.

But at the end of the day, I think I was really just being a bit of a baby.  I missed home and I wanted to get out of here.  However, my younger brother sent me an email and put me back in my place.  He reminded me of all the people who would love to have the chance to experience such an awesome opportunity as the one I am getting here.  And he was right.  So I decided to suck it up and enjoy myself.  And since then, I have been.  And so... my next post will fill you in on all the fun I've been having... nothing but good things :)


  1. I never thought being compared to a piano would be part of a pick up line!
    I am glad that you are enjoying your experience....and enjoying lots of love from the mosquitoes! :P

  2. I can actually relate to this-when I went to Vegas one time I got "Hey Snowbaby, you wanna come back here and holla at me?"
